Through out the year, luncheons, tours, lectures and trips are planned for member's pleasure and personnel growth.
Opening Luncheon
The opening luncheon will be held at Lake Delta Inn on October 2nd starting at 11:30.
Lunch will consist of mixed greens with grilled chicken, fruits, feta and breadsticks, dressed in a balsamic vinaigretter along with a warming fragrant fall soup.
Desserts with coffe, tea and soda will also be available.
Cost is $25
Reservations can be made by mailing your check by September 23.
Entertainment will be the "A Sorgasbord of Songs" by Full Circle Barbershop Quartet
Sheila Nunn Murphy
Linda Waters Reed
Committee Members
Gail Kenny Evans
Jeanne Lee McDowell
Ann Weidenfeller
Holiday Luncheon
Closing Reception
The closing reception will be held on March 19, 2025. Registration begins at 11:30 and the luncheon will start at 12:00 at the Lake Delta Inn.
Menue: To be announced
Margaret Bradley
Deborah Castle Myslinski
Mellony Butterworth Spinelli
Musin : Breakfast with "Avec Sentiments" Julianne Price and oe Ferlo
The Holiday Luncheon will take place on Wednesday, December 11th following the WMC Singer's Holiday Concert.
Luncheon will be held at the Beeches Manor's Copper Room
Guest are welcomed
Salad, soup, sandwiches, pasteries, coffee and tea
Cash Bar; gratuity appreciated for bartender
If vegan is required, please let the committee know.
$32 including tax and gratuity
Checks to Wednesday Morning Club and may be sent or given to
Marge Palmer
Luncheon CoChairs:
Carol Gondek
Mary Ann Maloney Ruby
Margaret Haney Palmer
Lectures, Trips, and Tours
Sacerdote/Common Ground
Spring Bus Trip
Munson Group Tour
Way off in the future we will again bring our tea and crumpets to the computer and enjoy them in the comfort of your own home..