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Wednesday Morning Club Program Schedule


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Trip to the Sky Dome on Novemebr 6th.




  Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 749 010 7976
Passcode: 1234


Listed below are links to the last three meeting's recordings.  If technically possible and a need exists, going forth, we will accumulate more recordings. â€‹â€‹


Dec. 18 Herkimer/Oneida Cnty Solid Waste  Click here to see Zoom recording

​Jan. 8 "Inflamation, Toxins, Gut Health - Click here to see Zoom recording

​Jan. 15 "Playing the Ukulele" - Click here to see Zoom recording

Schedule and links to speakers websites and biographies

Oct. 2 - Music - "A Barbershop Smorsgasbord"  Full Circle Barbershop Quartet 


Opening Luncheon  : Registration at 11:30 at TBD


Oct. 9 - Literature - Rebloomer: How Author Deirdre Sinnott Became a 60 Year Old Debut Novelist" Deirdre Sinnott

​Bring your book for a signing or come prepared to make a book purchase.​


Oct. 16 -Current - Sleep in Heavenly Peace - "No Kid Sleeps on the Floor in Our Town"  Bill Gagnon     Register here to become a volunteer Click here to link to Golden Volunteer


Oct 23 - Drama " Transitioning From A Childhood Actor to Becoming a Successful Veterinarian"   Dr. Peter Ostrum 



10/30 - Art -  GUEST PRIVILEGE  - "Tips and Tricks in Cell Phone Photography" Larry Miglior and Maria Ringlund


11/6 - Current - "What's Happening At Sky Dome" - a fieldtrip to Griffiss Tech Park to see the drones - Mary C. Chruscicki


11/13 - Health" -  "Target Nutritional Testing" Dr. Kingsley Kabari, Doctor of Chiroparactic Medicine and Kimberly Smith, Physical Therapist​


11/20 - Literature - GUEST PRIVILEGE "When the Psychology

Prefessor Met the Minister" - Dave Roberts 


11/27 Thanksgiving Recess


12/4- Art -  "Ukraninian Easter Egg Folk Art" Linda Evans

A 4 minute video

Design meanings   


12/11 - Music -  GUEST PRIVILEGE   "A Winter Portrait"

WMC Singers directed by Twyla Edwards

Accompanist: Kim Nethaway piano:  Gary Williams, bass. 

 Director's and Musicians Biographies


The concert will be held at the First United Methodist Church, 400 North George St,. Rome, NY.


Christmas Luncheon - directly after the concert - see details on this websites "Events"   Click here to go to Events page


12/18 - Current - "Oneida Herkimer Solid Waste - Recycling Made Easy" by Eileen Brinck


12/25/24 & 1/1/25  Holiday Recess 

1/8 - Drama -GUEST PRIVILEGE    Health - "Inflamation, Toxins, Gut Health - Is it really what "they" say it is?"  Jennifer Brown - stand in program


1/15 - Music -  "The Joy and Inclusion Through Playing the Ukulele" Deb Guarneri


1/22 - GUEST PRIVILEGE  Drama "Act and Live a Thousand Lives"  Susan Lincoln


1/29 - Literature - "Imaginary Brightness A Durant Family Saga"  Sheila Myers


2/5  -Health- GUEST PRIVILEGE “Non-Medical ways to help OsteoporosisSecond website  about non Medical Osteopotosis Care. Brian Carroll


2/7 -Literature - “It's All Fun and Games Until You Can't Order a Cake: Musings From a Teacher's Desk" The recollections of a public school teacher with a collection of vignetter, observations and poems of the clumination of her 30 year teaching career.   

Cindi Sirni Teacher, Author


2/12 - Art - "Discover the Master in You"  Moria Egan



2/19 - Currant - "Berkshire Bank - Fraud and Scamming on Seniors:

John Hobika, Jr.


2/26 - Art -   "Confessions of a Digitabulist:  Barbara Acchino


3/5 -Ash Wednesday  - no program scheduled


3/12 - Health " Addiction: What are We Doing?" Karl F. Hafner, MD


Annual Meeting​


3/19  Closing Reception Details TBD

Registration TBD, Luncheon TBD


Program:   Music   "Breakfast with Avec Sentiments" Joe Ferlo and Julianne Price


Stand-by Programs - Health - "Inflamation, Toxins, Gut Health - Is it really what "they" say it is?"  Jennifer Brown


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